Dental Services in New Mexico
Root canals
Dental implants
TMJ appliances
General dentistry
Cosmetic bonding
Cosmetic dentistry
Dentures and partials
Two-hour tooth whitening
Routine and periodontal cleaning
Digitally-created, all-porcelain crowns
Emergency treatment of pain and broken teeth
Root canals
Dental implants
TMJ appliances
General dentistry
Cosmetic bonding
Cosmetic dentistry
Dentures and partials
Two-hour tooth whitening
Routine and periodontal cleaning
Digitally-created, all-porcelain crowns
Emergency treatment of pain and broken teeth
New Patients
We welcome newcomers to the practice. To help us address your needs, we ask that you download and fill out our new patient form before you schedule your visit!
We know that we could charge double for the quality of our service, but we don't!
Our commitment to excellence and our decision to make dentistry affordable to you reflects only our desire to serve our community in an ethical, responsible, and generous manner!
A doctor has a responsibility to do whatever he or she can to explain every option available to bring health to a patient. Stabilization is as essential as cosmetics for many of us. As such, every patient in our office is as important as the next and will feel that way regardless of socioeconomic status. You are a star, no matter who you are!
To discuss your payment options or insurance coverage, please call
Payment Options
You can pay for your office visits and any treatments by cash, check, credit, or debit card at the time of treatment. We also accept most major dental insurances. To discuss your payment options or insurance coverage, please call (505) 255‑9859.
American Express